Diversity and Equity Committees

Committee on Equitable Outcomes (CEO)

  • Focus: Focus is on Equity in curriculum, pedagogy, training, academic outcomes, completion, accountability measures, and classroom experiences. No one leaves Jackson College with a degree/certificates without a comprehensive understanding of our history regarding racial bias-conscious or unconscious.
  • Goal: By April 1, 2021, the Committee for Equitable Outcomes will have identified one equity consideration or need we wish to impact from each of these areas: college access, student success, goal completion, and academic programs.

Equity Audit Committee

  • Focus: Conduct a thorough analysis on Jackson College from an equity lens.  A committee which focuses on researching Jackson College’s history. Identifies equity gaps and any racism found in the past or present (intentional and unintentional) and identifies opportunities to make improvements or corrections where appropriate. Department by department: Where are you at on equity and cultural competency? Are you equipped to identify and dismantle racism individually or systemically.?
  • Areas of focus: Academic Outcomes, Employment, College History, Infrastructure, Programs/Initiatives, Cultural Competency, etc.
  • Goal: The Equity Audit Committee will conduct an equity audit of Jackson College, which will serve as a baseline of understanding for initiatives focusing on increasing equitable outcomes across the institution-by Fall 2021.

Equity Initiatives Documentation Committee

  • Focus: A standby committee which warehouses all equity initiatives, data, and programs and helps with equity-related grants, surveys, proposals, etc.
  • Goal: By June 2021, the Equity Documentation Committee will identify all equity initiatives on Jackson College’s campus and create a system to document: core objective(s) of the initiative; key contact names and stakeholders; and all related data and outcomes of the work.

Jackson College Affinity Groups

In an effort to better understand and serve the various ethnic communities in the Jackson College service area, the college has established Affinity Groups. These are groups of leaders and community members from the various local ethnic communities. These groups meet on a quarterly basis to strategize on ways the college can better serve each respective community. In an effort to increase the affinity group’s effectiveness, the college is hiring (January 2021) a part-time Affinity Group Liaison for each group. There are five Affinity Groups: Latin X, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black/African American, Pakistanian, and Indian.

The college is looking to add three additional part-time Affinity Groups and liaison positions in the Fall of 2021. The three additional Affinity Groups are: Faith Based, LGBTQI, and Foster Care.

Justice, Diversity, Equity and Belonging Committee

  • Focus:  Focus is establishing and enhancing a culture of diversity and belonging at Jackson College. This is from a student and employee perspective. Cultural programs, activities, trainings, etc.
  • Goal: The Diversity, Equity and Belonging Committee will provide multicultural competency training for 100% of Jackson College employees (Administration, Faculty and Staff)-by Fall of 2022.
Justice, Diversity, Equity and Belonging Committee Charter